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January 2023 Newsletter

Jan 1, 2023

The January Newsletter, lots of announcements and more!

-As the end of 2022 approaches we look forward to installing our new 2023 Church Council in January. Barb Sager & Bruce Jones will be joining council as At-Large Members. Dave Krieg will be installed as Vice President and Vicki Schulz installed as Treasurer. Rich Pierce’s term as Vice President has ended. Thank you to Rich for the contributions he made during his tenure on the council.

-Council made the decision to change the monthly meeting to the second Wednesday of each month at 6 pm rather than the third Wednesday. As always these meetings are open to any member of the congregation that would like to attend.

-The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 29, 2023. I would like to remind all Ministry Team leaders to begin thinking about what they would like to include in their annual reports.

Happy New Year!

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